Comments Received by ARANB

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Well I learned so much at the meet tonight at Esteys Bridge hall there was a lot that I was unaware of. I was glad to have had the opportunity to be informed. Thanks so much for this opportunity to make better future for my children and children’s and families in new Brunswick. I am on board with this and we can together make a change.


: Katherine d\’Entrements actions have been ruthless to Unilingual English taxpayers of this Province. Time to take action and let these politicians know we are Not going to take it anymore!
I am willing to assist you in any way I can.

Very informative meeting, while I knew that things were bad, I had no idea how bad.  Glad to see people such as yourselves speaking up and taking action.  I just submitted my membership tonight, and look forward to being a part of your association.


Great meeting tonight!  I learned so much and no longer feel alone – together we will fight this.

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